Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Trust?

Musing on Isaiah 26
"The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace,
Because he trusts in You. Trust in the LORD  forever,
For in GOD  the LORD,  we have  an everlasting Rock."
~verses 3 and 4

I don't know about you, but I find it so difficult to trust; to trust people and especially, to trust God. Nothing is more frustrating to me than my own weakness and faithlessness. Ironically, in fact, being an imperfect perfectionist means that even just looking at the title of this blog- "Musings of an Imperfect Perfectionist"- makes my skin tingle with anxiety as I realize my own identity. Why do I find it so difficult to trust God who has never failed me? Why do I find it so impossible to leave every detail of my life in the hands of the One who already holds every breath I take and formed me before even my parents knew I existed? Nothing is more infuriating to me than my inexplicable lack of trust in the Father who sent His own Son to redeem me from sin and death.

Isaiah 26 reminds me of the strength of the Lord God of Israel...the God I trusted in almost 10 years ago. In verse 1, the land of Judah sings "We have a strong city; He sets up walls...for security." They can sing because God keeps them safe. In verse 3, "the steadfast of mind" (or he who fixes his mind on God) is "kept in perfect peace" by God. Why? Because he trusts in God. My favorite is verse 4: "In God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock." What would I hide in for protection? A Rock. What would I rely on for strength? A Rock. What weapon does serious damage to the giants in my life? A Rock. On what pillow can I safely rest my head when there is nothing and noone else? A Rock. THE Rock. And not only is He the Rock, He is everlasting! He'll never leave or die or disappear or fail. Time and time again, the Bible tells me about a Rock that is strong and sure and will never disappoint me.

Verse 8: "Your name is the desire of our souls." Verse 9: "At night my soul longs for spirit within me seeks You (early)." Not only can I trust Him, I am created with a powerful desire for Him. Like I desire water or food or love or companionship. At every time of day, my soul longs for Him...but do I turn to Him to satisfy that utmost longing? Am I seeking Him early to find the strength I need? Or do I look every place else--in people, in pleasure, in entertainment, in work, in my studies--to find what can only be found in Him?

My eye is drawn to verse 13: "Other masters besides You have ruled us." I have been controlled by things that take precedence over my seeking God. I have been ruled by desires for things that are not God and are not of God. But (praise God!) in verse 14, "You have wiped out all remembrance of them." Those masters are gone because now, my only master is the Lord. He rules over me and righteously. He gives me strength and protection and peace that nothing else can give. In distress I can seek Him, and whisper a prayer (verse 16). And even when punishment comes to the wicked who do not turn to Him, the everlasting Rock hides His people in Himself (verse 21).

I may struggle to trust, but my Rock will never struggle to deliver. What a reminder for today! In mere hours, I can go from Miss Has-it-all-together to Miss About-to-fall-apart. Ask the people closest to me and they will tell you. But, the beauty of my weakness is the perfection of His strength in me. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."~2 Corinthians 12:9

He didn't fail hundreds of years ago. He didn't fail thousands of years ago. And He won't fail today. Maybe today He wants to tell my stumbling heart and yours.."Trust in the LORD forever,
For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock." Isaiah 26:4

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